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Educating the Future Leaders

The Campus

The campus of the IDEAS’ Vocational & Academic Institute is the seat of Grace and Love. The Campus houses and hosts our dreams and visions in reality and unconditional creativity. Had this Campus not been the most unforgettable figure in the history of The IDEAS Inc. we would not have been able to share this dream that has become a reality the way we do. In exploring our dreams and visions, we are glad to show our honest appreciation to God for those whom he brought into our lives and for making this dream and vision a success, most especially the board, the land Lord, the 18 faculty members and the 10 supporting staffs.
Our campus is named the IDEAS’ VOCATIONAL & ACADEMIC INSTITUTE. It is a Licensed Institute located on Mourton Corner Road in Brewerville City Montserrado County, Liberia.
This unique campus is presently serving the Liberia Ebola Affected students, as well as economically and intellectually disadvantaged students who have the strongest desire to learn but can’t due to financial difficulty and other major constraints. The second group of people served are physically disabled students.
As the living standard of most West African Nations stands today, it is difficult to perfectly accommodate all of the non-disabled students in schools. As a result, the physically disabled population is left out of school, as such, illiteracy rate is higher and this practically contributes to the higher level of poverty, which of course is a pandemic that has not been strategically addressed by the world. As you may know, this is why we at IDEAS, Inc., have engaged in an educational project for the Ebola disaster survivor population mentioned above and the ones not mentioned. The Center Of The Neighborhood as the campus is called, is designed to host the second phase of our mega signature project in 2018- The Vocational training aspect of the school. Currently, preparatory effort has been enforced to accommodate the Technical Skills certificate and diploma training program. This project will enable our high school students and graduates, as well as other college dropped outs, to be technically trained to become marketable and meaningful contributors in the community’s economic world as self-sufficient employees, business owners, or employers with self-esteem, thus reducing the higher potential for another disease outbreak, high crime rate, higher rate of illiteracy, and war ideation in the society.

Why IDEAS, Vocational & Academic Institue.?
We believe that despite the challenges faced by an individual due to uncontrollable circumstances, an ideal student can still be produced.  We are not only committed to circular education for the community, but we are also interested in skills and moral ethics for these future leaders’ development. Working with the students both in the classroom and outside of the classroom provides social, individual and family counseling for students and their parents. We create the strategies we use to help parents or guardians get involved in their future leaders learning process both on campus life and homework/activities. By so doing, the classroom teacher and the student’s parents or guardians can share information about the future leader’s progress and together identify problem(s) affecting the child, and the school must assist in resolving those problems.
A copy of the list of those anticipated problems that requires the institution’s immediate attention is in the office of the School Administrator. Our Academic phase runs from K1 to 12th grade. Our vocational Phase comprises of many career programs.

Other reasons why students and parents choose us are as follows:
1. Easy application process
2. Qualified instructors with less work load
3. Elegant uniform colors and style
4. Early childhood technical skill training (extra Curriculum)
5. Affordable uniform
6. Light contributions
7. School Transportation
8. Scholarships from religious groups recommended to students
9. Scholarship for qualified students
10. Law enforcement policy for both providers and beneficiaries
11. School nutritional program
12. Salary paid in the United States Currency
13. Varieties of sporting and academic programs both in and out of the campus
14. Campus health service including free ambulance transportation
15. Campus location
16. The PTA Action developmental task force
17. Labs
18. Library
19. Qualified sanitation system.
20. Year-end prom (A Day Away with the class of the year) for the sixth, the Ninth, and the twelfth graders. And more stuff for students

The students will also enjoy;
A. The Office of the lead Elementary Provider
B. The Office of the Lead Jr. High Provider
C. The Office of the Lead Sr. High Provider
D. The office of the Student Aide-Plus
E. The Office of Crisis Response and Adjustment
F. The Office of Campus Media Service
G. The Office of Logistics and Maintenance Services
H. The Office of Campus Life development
I. The Office of strategy and statistics planning.
J. The office of Employees Care Services
K. The Office of Diversity and Disability Management
L. The Office for Technical study
M. The Office of Tech Product Evaluation and Release.

Not only that everyone has a special need in life, everyone is also a unique being. In this light, we have made it our duty to inspire the students in Liberia. Empowering them to live life, despite the poor economic situation they face.