Careers Education
Our career Education program is designed to improve living standard and bring hope to students individually and uplift our community inspiration. These courses include but not limited to:
- Nursing,
- Culinary Arts
- Sign language
- International language
- Secretarial Science
- Agriculture Science
- Automotive Science & Technology
- Art &Music
- Home Designing & Decorations
- Cosmetology
- Pharmacology
- Mortuary Science & Funeral Services
- Architecture Science
Methodology – We teach pre-career courses from 7th grade-12th grade as extra curriculum activities. At the end of the period, Our student is expected to complete freshmen level of whatever career he or she is interested in pursuing in our Vocational training school.
Evaluation – There will be semester exams to test the level of understanding of the subject matter and the ability to excel in the vocational school.
Targeted Population – All students that are admitted in to the IVAI, Student begins the program starting from 7th grade, literacy preparatory Study is the exposure of the student to all of the different career studies offered at the vocational school. This introductory exercise is provided in the six grade as part of our required subjects.